Telesurvey methodologies for household surveys- a review and some thoughts for the futureTelesurvey methodologies for household surveys- a review and some thoughts for the future
Telesurvey methodologies for household surveys– a review and some thoughts for the future
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Regional Balance in Indian Planning by Montek Singh Ahluwalia IntroductionRegional Balance in Indian Planning by Montek Singh Ahluwalia Introduction
In fact, until recently, growth targets were set only for the country as a whole, with no targets for growth or poverty reduction in individual states
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Sustainable development efforts of small island states hurt by shortfall in international assistance, speakers tell second committeeSustainable development efforts of small island states hurt by shortfall in international assistance, speakers tell second committee
Committee (Economic and Financial) today, as it took up implementation of Agenda 21 and the World Summit on Sustainable Development, the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development
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For a people engaged in a liberatory struggle it is necessary to rewrite the history of the pastFor a people engaged in a liberatory struggle it is necessary to rewrite the history of the past
Southern Africa, the *baThwa, the +Khoikhoin and the Bantu, and confiscated their land, they had next to ensure heir continued domination over the people, reducing them to a position of political and economic enslavement
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Indian contextIndian context
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Ican/231/V/C5 Examination NoIcan/231/V/C5 Examination No
You must not bring this material with you to the Examination Hall. On receipt of
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